July 13, 2009

Language Training For Newcomers

When you have come to Canada, no matter what language you speak as your mother tongue, you have to improve and use English on daily basis. Usually, you should need an initial time for language adaption. It means you will spend time in English classes to get more proficient with the language. At first, you will take a language assessment to know which level of your English proficiency. A language assessment is not a pass-fail test. It is a way to find out which class would benefit you the most. Then you will attend to English classes at your level. Many newcomers can benefit from language training. A number of programs are available locally in Regina.

Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC)
Famous for time consumption, LINC classes are free and available for every adult in your family, not just the person who may be looking for work. These classes offered at Open Door Society and SIAST. These classes offered full-time and part-time, are free to adults who qualify and offer free child care while you attend classes. Canadian citizens and refugee claimants are not eligible for LINC. Many adult immigrants, who are low in English proficiency, have to give up their classes after several months.

Enhanced Language Training (ELT)
ELT is suitable for those who are family earner, having to find jobs as soon as getting to Canada. Enhanced Language Training (ELT) programs provide advanced English language training to adult newcomers. The goal of ELT is to provide job-specific language training (Canadian language benchmarks 7-10) to help newcomers find and keep jobs that match their skills and qualifications. ELT programs are particularly useful for internationally-trained professionals and trades people. It also offers bridge-to-work opportunities such as work placements, mentoring, and cultural orientation to the workplace, preparation for licensing exams and internships for eligible clients

These classes are free to adults who have current English language skills assessed, are 17 years or older and either a permanent resident or a newcomer who has been allowed to remain in Canada, to whom Citizenship and Immigration Canada intends to grant permanent resident status and who has not become a Canadian citizen.

Specialty ESL Classes
Believed to be the most time-saving way for those who want to have a short-cut to reinvestment in study or acquire English proficiency.
ESL offers a 10-week regular program, 4 times per year. Students receive 220 hours of instruction from university trained ESL instructors. Classes are held on University of Regina campus with an average class size of 16 students. ESL students have their own computer lab with scheduled class time as well as drop-in times. Scholarships and bursaries are awarded to students during a formal Closing Ceremony and 050 students receive a certification of completion.
ESL has 6 language levels: Advanced 50, High Intermediate 40, Low Intermediate 30, High Basic 20, Basic 10 and Low Basic 10.
Tuition is $2,500 applied for 2009 and $2,600 for 2010.

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